The following are locations of interest. Each contain multiple plant ecosystems. If you want to help out in studying and protecting these environments. email me at bre {at) theforestjourney .com

(1) Soap Creek :
Plants found: Solomon's Seal, Mountain Laurel, Mullein, Rattlesnake Plantain, Yellow Root, Jewel Weed, X-mas Fern, Hearts A Bustin, Jack in the Pulpit, Korean Lespedeza, hepatica, Sassafras, Sourwood, Big Leaf Magnolia, Beech Tree, Sugar Maple, Empress Tree, Cross Vine, Sycamore,

(2) Sweetwater Creek :
Plants Found: Elephant's Foot, Rattlesnake Fern, Hickory, Pawpaw, Blueberry highbush, Sparkleberry, Spotted Wintergreen, Sawbriar, Ground Cedar, Bellwort, Fireweed, Autumn-olive, Winged Sumac, Dogfennel, Bitter Sneezeweed,

(3) Tallulah Gorge :
The millions of years of erosion of hard quartzite rock has created a gorge about 1000 ft. deep and 2 miles long.
Plants Found: Shortleaf Pine, Virginia Pine, Mountain Pine, Pitch Pine, Blueberry, Sparkleberry, Mountain Laurel, Easter Red Cedar, Tulip Poplar, White Oak, Chesnut Oak, Post Oak, Scarlet Oak, Blackjack Oak,

(4) Pigeon Mountain :
Many caves ans limestone rock formations and wildflowers adorn this mountain. The basic soil creates an environment for a diversity of plants.
Plants Found: Oxe-Eye Daisey,

(5) Joyce Kilmer :
One of the best examples of old-growth forest. 300-400 year old trees. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (introduced) has killed off most of the old hemlocks. It is a grave yard of old huge hemlocks.
Plants Found: Hemlock, Tulip Poplar, Beech, White Basswood, Silber Bell, Sugar Maple, Wintergreen, Wood Nettle, Doll's eyes, Golden Alexander, Sweet Cicely, Red Maple, Cucumber Tree, Sweet Birch, River Birch, Blue Cohosh, Buckeye, Black Cohosh, Hepatica,

(6) Shope Creek :
Plants Found: air potato, japanese stiltgrass, cardinal flower, White Pine, Common Ragweed, Giant Ragweed, White Oak, poison ivy, Spicebush, Common Milkweed, Jewelweed, Spikenard,

(7) Chestatee River :
Plants Found: cardinal flower, buckeye, Joe-pye Weed, Paw Paw, Spicebush, Maidenhair Fern, Doghobble, Galax, Climbing Hydrangea, Wild Yam, Hepatica, Bloodroot, Mountain Mint, yucca,

(8) Red Top Mountain :
Plants Found:

(9) Mount Mitchell :
Highest peak in the eatern US. Balsam woolly adelgid (introduced from Europe) has killed many Fraser Firs.
Plants Found: Yellow Birch, Black Berry, Mountain Ash, Fraser Fir, Red Spruce

(10) Great Smoky Mountains :
Extending into TN and NC, It has one of the most abundant amount of species for a temperate forest in the East US. More than 1,500 vascular plants.
Plants Found:

(11) Upper Chattahoochee :
Plants Found:

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