Full List of Plants
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Plants by Scientific ID
Plant species catagorized by their family.
Plants by Habitat
Native species identified by the ecosystems.
Winter ID Guide
The beauty of buds and other clues.
ID by Flower

ID by Leaf Shape


These ID tools are used to learn about the plant species found near the Tahkeeostee River (Asheville) all the way to the Chattahoochee River (Atlanta) and all the surrounding mountains. The area could be called the Southern Appalachian Mountains, particularly the Blue Ridge Mountains, and Piedmont. This includes non-natives species of plants to the area that are found today.

The purpose is to discover the plants around us and how the natural native plant community can thrive.

!Caution: Get to know a plant and do further research before using or eating it! What you do with the information on this website is your responsibility!

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